Hi There!

My name is Yaquan Wei, a graphic designer based in Shenzhen, with a strong interest in branding, packaging, typography and UI/UX. I graduated from the Academy of Art University with a master’s degree in San Francisco.

I’m curious about design and the world around me, which makes me keen to explore things beyond their surfaces, to explore subtle details as well as the overall situation. I take delight to try new things and get design inspiration from unexpected sources. I hope that you can see the world through my perspective reflected in my works.



2019 iF Product Design Award
2019 GDC Graphic Design in China – Selected
2019 GRAPHIS Design Annual – Silver
2019 GRAPHIS Design Annual – Selected
2018 GRAPHIS Design Annual – Silver
2018 GRAPHIS Design Annual – Selected
2018 Adobe Design Achievement – Semifinalist
2018 Hiiibrand Awards – Selected
2017 IDA Design Awards – Gold
2017 IDA Design Awards – Honorable Mention
2017 Print Regional Design Awards – Selected
2017 GDC Graphic Design in China – Nomination
2017 Macau Design Biennial – Gold
2017 Pentawards – Bronze
2017 MUSE Creative Awards – Platinum
2017 Adobe Design Achievement – Semifinalist
2016 IDA Design Awards – Gold
2016 IDA Design Awards – Selected



The Feather Heist

I cast my eyes on The Feather Thief from a novel by Kirk W. The story described the theft of a specimen in a museum. Beside using “Shady” as the keyword of my design, I use black color to convey the mysteriousness of the theft, and the combination of orange and black colors to create a strong visual impression. In terms of design elements, I use linear drawing and color blocks and intersperse them between the diagrams and the text to reinforce the atmosphere of the story.

我选择了来自Kirk W. Johnson的小说《The Feather Thief》,这个故事描述的是一起博物馆标本被盗案 。我选择了“shady”一词作为设计的关键词。在颜色上,我使用了黑色来传达离奇被盗的概念,并使用了橙色与黑色来创建一个强烈的视觉感。在设计元素上,我使用了线描和色块的元素穿插在整本书的图文中,以增强故事的氛围。

DESIGN: Yaquan Wei
